Church History Resources

Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849

      Note: Some items are available on LOAN Only          (June 2004)


Circle the Order Code(s)of the items you are ordering:      (Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery)

G036       Albert, David, Peter in Rome? A Review of the Literary Record in the Light of Scriptural Evidence, 31 pp., $4.00.

G001       Allix, Peter, The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont and of the Albigenses, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1821, photocopy, 2 vols. in one edition, 643 pp.  $30.00.

B206       Andrews, J.N., History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week, Third Edition, Review & Herald Publishing Assn., Battle Creek, Michigan, 1887, 1998 reprint by TEACH Services, Brushton, New York, 548 pp., $15.00.

007       Armstrong, Herbert W., Early Writings of Herbert W. Armstrong, edited by Richard C. Nickels, Giving & Sharing, 1996 reprint, 236 pp., $9.00.

C46-49       Armstrong, Herbert W., World Tomorrow, “True Church Series,” set of four audio tapes, $6.00.

G003       Armstrong, Herbert W., Eleven Articles published in The Bible Advocate, 1928, 38 pp. photocopy, $3.00.

C308       Arnold, Dr. Philip, “Little Known History of Sabbatarians (Taiping in China),” audio cassette, $2.50.

V202       Arrabito, James, History of the Jesuits, 2-hour VHS video, LLT Productions, Angwin, California, $21.00.

G004   Ball, Bryan W., The Seventh-Day Men, Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism in England and Wales, 1600-1800, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1994, 402 pp., $85.00.

G005       Bowers, G.M., Faith & Doctrines of the Early Church, Triumph Publishing, Altadena, California, 1978, 208 pp., photocopy, $7.50.

B229       Bradford, Charles E., Sabbath Roots: The African Connection, Ministerial Assn of SDA’s, Barre, Vermont, 1999, 234 pp., $15.00.

G007       Conybeare, Fred C., translator and editor, The Key of Truth, a Manual of the Paulician Church of Armenia, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1898, photocopy, 397 pp., $15.00. Note: The pagination of this book is a combination of Roman numerals and Arabic numbers, but that's all we have.

G008       Coulter, Robert, “The Story of the Church of God (Seventh Day),” Bible Advocate Press, Denver, Colorado, 58 pp., $3.00.

G009       Cox, Robert, The Literature of the Sabbath Question, Vol. II, Maclachlan and Stewart, London, 1865, 500 pp., photocopy, $15.00.

G010       Davis, J., History of the Welsh Baptists, D.M. Hogan, Pittsburgh, 1835, photocopy reprint, 204 pp., photocopy $15.00.

G011       Davis, Tamar, General History of the Sabbatarian Churches, Lindsay and Blakiston, Philadelphia, 1851, 255 pp., photocopy, $7.50.

006       Dugger, Andrew N. (with P.A. Nugent and Herbert Miles), The Bible Home Instructor, 1999, originally published in 1919-1920, 182 pp., $9.00.

005       Dugger, Andrew N. and Dodd, Clarence O., A History of the True Church Traced From 33 A.D. to Date, Third Edition, 1972 (original edition, 1936), Giving & Sharing reprint, 1996, 106 pp., $7.50.

B210       Edwardson, Christian, Facts of Faith, Southern Publishing Associa­tion, Nashville, Tennessee, 1943, CHJ, Middleton, Idaho, 320 pp., $10.00.

G012       Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History, Hendrickson, 500 pp., $25.00.

G013       Faber, George Stanley, The History of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses, R.B. Seely and W. Burnside, London, 1838, 596 pp. $30.00.

B228       Fleschutz, Hans, And Follow Their Faith!, Religious Liberty Publishing Association, Huntington Park, CA, 1998, 60 pp.  $5.00.

G033       Fletcher, Ivor C., The Incredible History of God’s True Church, 136 pp. reprint, $12.00.

C337       Franks, Jim, “Sabbath in Early American History,” audio cass., $2.50.

B230       Geddes, Michael, Church History of Ethiopia, 148 pp. copy, $12.50.

B208       Hardinge, Leslie, The Celtic Church in Britain, TEACH Services, Brushton, New York, 1995 reprint of 1972 edition, 265 pp., $9.00.

C357       Hey, Wilf, “Sabbatarianism in British History,” audio cassette, $2.50.

G016       Hopkins, Joseph, The Armstrong Empire, Wm. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974, 304 pp., $23.00.

G017       Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman, The Story of the Christian Church, Zondervan, 1986 (1918, 1933, 1954), 254 pp., $15.00.

V201    “The Israel of the Alps,” the story of the Waldenses, 85-minute VHS video, filmed in the Alps, LLT Productions, Angwin, California, $30.00.

G018       Jones, William, The History of the Christian Church, from the Birth of Christ, to the XVIII Century, including the very interesting account of the Waldenses and Albigenses, fifth edition, in 2 vols., Paternoster Row, London, 1826, photocopy, 1,048 pp. 35.00.

G019       Jowett, George F., The Drama of the Lost Disciples, Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd, London, 251 pp., $20.00.

G020       Katz, David S., Sabbath and Sectarianism in Seventeenth-Century England, E.J. Brill, New York, 1988, 224 pp., 95.00.

B204       Kiesz, John, A History of the Sabbath & Sunday, The Bible Sabbath Association, Fairview, Oklahoma, 1992, 64 pp., $3.00.

G034       Kelly, Ronald D., Now Revealed, The True History of the Early Christian Church, 81 pp. reprint, $7.50.

G021       Kohn, Samuel, The Sabbatarians in Transylvania, translated by Thomas McElwain and Bonne Brook, edited and forward by Wade Cox, Christian Churches of God reprint, 1998, 311 pp., $26.00.

G022       Liechty, Daniel, Andreas Fischer and the Sabbatarian Anabaptists, An Early Reformation Episode in East Central Europe, Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History No. 29, Herald Press, Scottdale, Pennsylvania, 1988, 166 pp., $30.00.

G038       McBirnie, William Steuart, The Search for the Twelve Apostles, 312 pp. $6.00.

G023       McNair, Marion, Armstrongism: Religion or Ripoff? Pacific Charters Publishing, Orlando, Florida, 1977, 339 pp.  $23.00.

G037       Meredith, Roderick C., The Plain Truth About the Protestant Reformation, 94 pp. reprint, $3.00 LOAN only.

003       Nickels, Richard C., History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume I, third ed., Giving & Sharing, Neck City, Missouri, 1995, 158 pp., $9.50.

Vol II       Nickels, Richard C., History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume II, 1,186 pp., 10 cents per page photocopy of tracts and material from Stanberry, Denver, Dugger, Meridian, Salem, Caldwell, Sacred Names, BSA, Gathering Call, and other items of historical interest.  Free Table of Contents upon request.

004       Nickels, Richard C., Six Papers on the History of the Church of God, second edition, Giving & Sharing, Neck City, Missouri, 1993, 354 pp., $14.00.  (Six sections include:  “Sabbatarian Baptists in England,” “Sabbatarian Baptists in America,” “The Adventist Movement: Its Relationship to the Seventh Day Church of God,” “Sabbath Adventists: 1844-1863,” “The Remnant of Israel: An Analysis of G.G. Rupert and His Independent Church of God (Seventh Day) Movement, 1915-1929,” and “History of the Church of God (Seventh Day)” by John Kiesz.)  NOTE:  Section five, on G.G. Rupert, is available separately for $2.00.

B020       Nickels, Richard C., “Origin & History of the Sacred Name Movement,” 7 pp.  $1.00.

B021       Nickels, Richard C., “The Seven Churches of Revelation,” reprint from Giving & Sharing Newsletter, 30 pp., $2.50.

014            Nickels, Richard C., "Herbert W. Armstrong: 1892-1986.  $2.00.

G024       Olson, S. Gusten, The Apostasy of the Lost Century, Stedman Printers, Norway (?), 223 pp., $7.50 for 30-day LOAN.

G025       Perrin, Jean Paul, History of the Ancient Christians inhabiting the Valleys of the Alps: The Waldenses, The Albigenses, The Vaudois, Griffith and Simon, Philadelphia, 1847, photocopy, 475 pp., $30.00.

B018       Ramsay, William R., The Letters to the Seven Churches, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1904, 221 pp. photocopy, $15.00.

G032       “Reformation History Library, Version 2,” CD ROM with dozens of books on Church History, including Truth Triumphant, Patrick of Ireland, Waldensian histories, many more, $50.00.

G027       Rupert, G.G., The Yellow Peril, Third Edition, Union Publishing Co., Britton, Oklahoma, 1911, 541 pp., photocopy, $27.00.

G028       Rupert, G.G., Time, Tradition and Truth Concerning the End of the World, plus 14 articles, including “The Seven Churches,” 300 pp., $30.00.

G031       Sanford, Don A., A Choosing People: The History of Seventh Day Baptists, Broadman Press, Nashville, TN, 448 pp., $25.00.

G029       Tuit, John, The Truth Shall Make You Free, The Truth Foundation, Freehold Township, New Jersey, 1981, 307 pp.  $25.00.

G030       Webster, William, The Church of Rome at the Bar of History, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997, 244 pp. $15.00.

B209       Wilkinson, Benjamin George, Truth Triumphant, The Church in the Wilderness, ca. 1930s, TEACH Services, Brushton, New York, 1994 reprint, 424 pp., $12.95.

G039       “Words of the Pioneers,” CD ROM (Mac or Windows), writings of Adventist pioneers J.N. Andrews, Joseph Bates, William Miller, J.N. Lough­borough, Uriah Smith, E.J. Waggoner, A.T. Jones, James White, Crosier, etc.  $200.00.

B207       Wylie, J.A., History of the Waldenses, CHJ reprint, Middleton, Idaho, 206 pp., $9.95.


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Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849

E-mail:  Internet:

Telephone: (417) 525-4211 (Earl Lewis), or (307) 686-5191 (Richard Nickels)